Annapurna Circuit Trek Itinerary What to Expect on Each Day For 2024

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The Annapurna Circuit Trek is one of the most famous treks around Nepal where tourists get to experience the variations of geographical terrains and ethnic groups and the total distance varies between 160-230 kilometers depending on the path taken. The walk normally ranges between 15 and 20 days and gives the hikers a dose of everything that the region has to offer. Here is the Annapurna Circuit at a glance as to what to anticipate every day by day on their tour. 

From the start of the Annapurna Circuit at Besi Sahar trekkers begin the first part of the trek through the lowland of subtropical wiki forests and fields of vivid green terraces. The first few days entails slow climb up to small villages and acclimatizing to the whole trekking adventure. The trails are usually very popular; it is possible to catch a view of the neighboring mountains as the elevation begins. 

When moving further on the trek towards one of the settlements like Manang, the trekkers have a drastic change in their view. From here, they get to see barren land, and mountain landscapes, including Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges. Manang is a major rest and recovery point or more specifically, trekkers can visit some nice villages and do some acclimatization treks here. The weather conditions are much harder here and to avoid the effect of altitude sickness one should stick to the rules of acclimatization. 

The journey then moves on to the Annapurna Circuit Thorong La Pass, one of the highest trekking passes in the world. The fourth day of the trek is quite challenging as trekkers ascend early in the morning and cross the pass that is at 5,416 meters. However, the way to reach the top is quite tiring but when one gets to the top, the view they get to see is exceptional. The trail that leads to Muktinath from the past is also steep and after reaching Muktinath one can really see the change in geography from a high altitude alpine environment to a semi- desert area. 

Muktinath is also revered for their religious importance and the certain topographical wonders particularly Muktinath Temple. After Muktinath, the journey is further down to Jomsom which is more of trekkers and trading center and here the nature turns again to a warmer zone. 

The last few days, before reaching the destination, are spent trekking through valleys with a view of nicely designed villages. While returning back to Pokhara, trekkers come across different ethnic groups’ villages and a gradually changing landscape full of vegetation and animals. This serves as a serene section to bring the climax of the trek as there are chances to enjoy the moments in culture and rest before arriving at the termination point.

Altogether, the Annapurna Circuit Trek is an exciting, challenging and versatile trek which encompasses lowland’s subtropical forests and high mountain views, and interaction with the local people. Every day has its own set of difficulties and interesting tasks that turn this journey into an interesting tour in Nepal, representing the rich ethnic traditions of the country. 

Introduction to the Annapurna Circuit Itinerary

Annapurna Circuit Trek is a popular circuit around the Annapurna region in the country of Nepal and is famous for its natural beauty, ethno–cultural encounters and spectacular views of the mountains. The trek usually takes 15 to 20 days, however it depends on the chosen route and its pace. Every day is a new experience from enjoying the sea of green subtropical forests and native villages to climbing up the passes and exploring the desert area.

This circuit basically brings trekkers across different kinds of climatic regions and therefore makes the experience more intriguing, exciting and informative because it provides a first-hand interaction with the varied flora and fauna of Nepal and also the plethora of historical and archeological sites that are spread across this country.

Knowledge of the schedule implies that preparations should be made well in advance of the trek in order to enable the hikers to be in a better position to meet the challenges that are likely to be faced during the trek as they undertake this great trail.

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu

The first day of the trekking is being spent for arrival in Kathmandu which is the capital city of Nepal. The Annapurna Circuit Trek 15 Days itinerary starts with the arrival of the trekkers in Kathmandu, the lively city of Nepal which is the heart of tourism.

Accommodation to the change in time and climate is often used, and mostly involves the preparation for the trekking activity. Kathmandu can be said as the starting point for the Annapurna Circuit since it is here that the trekkers sort out and, if needed, receive their permits, make sure they buy everything they might still need and often attend the trek briefings. Cultural entertainment makes most of the city attractions which are tours to impressive temples, moving around markets and local restaurants.

That is why the arrival day is critical for rest and adaptation to living conditions, which can be considered as a kind of preparation for the journey into the Himalayas. ADVENTURERS MAY also take time to visit the cultural and historical sites possible in the Kathmandu valley before embarking on the trekking adventure. 

Day 2: Drive to Besisahar

From day two, it’s an exciting trek that takes trekkers to Besisahar, the starting point for the Annapurna Circuit. Normally trekkers drive from Kathmandu to Besisahar that takes about 6 to 8 hrs on a winding road. This drive offers the first taste of the geographical variations one is eying to witness in Nepal such as going from the urban area to the rural one.

On moving further the lanes are forged through winding roads along which passengers can view the terraced fields, small village area and many times Trishuli River. The first village on the trekking route is Besisahar which is located at the geographical boundary of the Manang District and has provisions for necessary facilities and lodges. The drive is an exercise that can help one adjust to other aspects that are associated with high-altitude and build up for the days of trekking.

Day 3: Trek from Besisahar to Bhotaragaon 

The trek actually starts from the third day where you will start from Besisahar to Bhotaragaon. The approximate duration of this section of the trek is around 6 to 7 hours which takes us through a tapestry of forests, fields of terrace cultivation and a few small villages. The hike is gradual and steep which affords one beautiful view of hills and valleys surrounding the area.

Gradually, trekkers get through typical Nepali villages and can also get a real taste of Nepali tea, food, and warm hospitality. There are some elevations and depressions on this section of the route and this makes it a perfect preparation for the conditions and challenges that are part of the Annapurna Circuit. The village of Bhitargaon is another halt where travelers can find simple accommodations and food in small tea shops and get a glimpse of the life of the rural people of the Annapurna. 

Day 4: Trek from Bhotaragaon to Chamje

On Day 4, trekkers start walking from Bhotaragaon to Chamje. This section of the trail takes nearly 5 to 6 hours with more or less gradients of up and down slopes. The trail is mostly through the timbered country with glimpses of hills rising steeply from the valleys and of distant rivers. While on the trek, trekkers are able to enjoy different terrains ranging from rocky paths and streams right from Chamje.

Chamje which is at a comparatively lower altitude than this part of the circuit has been located to provide a beautiful and calm area for a break. The village has many traditional accommodations and friendly hosts so that the trekkers spend a night on the real beds and have delicious food. Chamje is really an important place in terms of exposure to high altitude and a start of more rigorous trekking.

Day 5: Trek from Chamje to Dharapani

This trek covers a distance of 18 Km and it takes almost 6 to 7 hours to complete the trek on Day 5 of Annapurna Circuit Trek and it goes through Chamje and ends at Dharapani. Stations in this segment of the trail include a gradual climb and offers vegetation that covers the trail from subtropical to temperate level vegetation.

It sometimes crosses several suspension bridges over the Marsyangdi River and mostly through many forests of greenery, terrace farmlands and typical Nepalese villages. Dharapani – the altitude of which is about 1,860m – can also be described as the most important point of the circuit . Food commodities in the village are the various lodges and guest houses where trekkers can have a rest.

It’s friendly and is the first village that one encounters in the upper Manang district on the trek and signifies more altitude than distance from here on. 

Day 6: Trek from Dharapani to Chame

Day 6 moving from Dharapani to Chame is normally a 5 to 6 hours trek. Annapurna Circuit Trek Itinerary This day also the track gradually starts ascending and the impression of the superior pinnacles and valleys start growing. When members are still climbing up the trek routes get more challenging and the gorges are steeper with massive formation of rocks.

Chame is at an altitude of about 2660m and is the district headquarters of Manang district providing a variety of facilities and lodges. This is a picturesque village with houses built on the edge of cliffs and surrounded by numerous pine-trees. When doing this day’s trek, one is able to clearly see a change in the landscape and the start of the transition from the subtropical to alpine climate. And there are also a wide range of services such as internet connection and hot springs apart from accommodation for trekkers to relax at. 

Day 7: Trek from Chame to Pisang

On Day 7 of the trek, trekkers move from Chame to Pisang and the normally takes 5-6 hrs. This part of the circuit brings trekkers to the district’s higher altitude characterized with relatively dry conditions of Manang. The trek trail offers a wonderful beauty of the Annapurna peaks and the Pisang peak particularly as the trail progresses;

The landscape becomes more rugged and arid. During the ascent trekkers come across the village of Upper Pisang which is more representative of Annapurna, culturally and offers great vista points and photography. Tulgen is located at about 3, 300m providing the much needed opportunity for acclimatization before the hardest terrain begins. It is culturally associated with traditional Tibetan style houses, and offers a number of lodges and guest houses to comfortably stay at. 

Day 8: Trek from Pisang to Manang

The activity scheduled for that day is the eighth trek from Pisang to Manang which takes about 5/6 hrs. The second part of the trail is characterized by a steep rise in altitude due to the increased elevation for this area called the high alpine zone. Hiking this trail rewards you with some view of Mount Annapurna and Gangapurna along with variation of vegetation from what can be referred to as tree scars to high pastures.

The highest village of Manang is at the altitude of 3,540m and is comparatively bigger than other villages and provides many facilities like micro-hospitals and cyber cafes. The trek to Manang is very important in the Amazing trek as trekkers are given an opportunity to star the acclaim in the higher altitudes before attempting to cross the Thorong La Pass. 

Day 9: Acclimatization Day in Manang

Day 9 is rest and acclimatization day in Manang in order to avoid some effects of high altitude. This rest day also enables them to visit Manang and undertake some short trekking around in order to make adjustments to the altitude.

Some of the attractive sites to visit are the monastery near the trek, Gangapurna glacier and one can go to Bhojo village which is a one day trek from here. Acclimatization days are required in an endeavor to enable the body to adjust to low oxygen levels, possible at higher altitudes so as to avoid conditions such as altitude sickness.

Local traditional customs of Manang, viewed beautiful sceneries and landscapes give trekkers a break enabling them to adapt to the high altitude before continuing the challenging journey around the Annapurna Circuit. 

Day 10: Trek from Manang to Letdar

The next day, which is the 10th day, trekkers shift from Manang to Letdar for which it takes about fourth to fifth part of the day to cover the distance. Annapurna Circuit Trek The day’s hike is gradual in which the path gets steeper and tougher with each day as one treks deeper into the high country. It also passes near the mountains such as Annapurna and Gangapurna known to be snowy mountains, and the trail changes from greenery from Manang to the rather dry landscape of the Himalayas. Located at about 4,200 meters, it is important for stock up due to the fact that it is abound by the crossing of Thorong La Pass.

A small village with simple accommodations and resources are available to the trekkers in order to enable them acclimatize for the remaining part of the trek that is at higher altitudes. The day’s trek assists in getting the body used to the thin air and then slowly builds up the energies for the many steep climbs expected from the next few days. 

Day 11: Trek from Letdar to Thorong Phedi

On the eleventh day, the trekkers cover the distance of the trek from Letdar to Thorong Phedi which takes around 3 to 4 hours. Thorong Phedi situated at 4,450 meters is one of the major resting spots for trekkers willing to cross Thorong La Pass which is the highest point of Annapurna Circuit. The trail to Thorong Phedi by the fact that the trail mainly involves steep climb with some tough terrains. When trekkers are approaching the Thorong Phedi they are aware of the altitude and that is why they need to take a break and adapt to it.

The village has simple facilities for the accommodation of travelers and is often the last point before the climbing a pass. This accessibility of the pass is a plus to the trekkers since it avails them the much-needed break to psychologically and physically prepare up for the gruesome day that lies ahead. 

Day 12: Crossing Thorong La Pass

Day 12 is the most challenging and exhilarating part of the Annapurna Circuit Trek: This is a picturesque place which forms the Kangs chase after crossing thorong La Pass. It starts very early in the morning so as not to be caught up by strong winds and cold that may be experienced while on the trek.

The journey from Thorong Phedi to the pass usually takes 4 to 5 hours and as the last part of the trek, people feel a bit exhausted because the gain in altitude is rather steep. Thorong La Pass is at 5,416 meters, and once at the top, the view of the UTmost Himal successfully makes trekkers feel that they have gained something big in their lifetime.

The steep trail from the pass to Muktinath which follows is as steep, though a welcome relief as it ends at the highest point of the trek. This day is a very tiring one physically, and that is why one should ensure that they take bottled water all along the hike as well as make sure that they do not overexert themselves due to the high altitude. 

Day 13: Descent to Muktinath 

Today 6 to 7 trekkers will be trekking down from Thorong La Pass to Muktinath 13. The mode of descent is through steep path filled terrains to a more halt and sunny climate. Muktinath is situated at an altitude of 3800 meter and is very important for both Hindu and Buddhists as it contains the temple of Muktinath.

The village provides various types of shelters to visitors as well as acts as a site for cultural and religious tourism. The way down to Muktinath is relatively easier with less altitude and of course tourists get a wonderful and convenient time to tour the area and look at the cultural and religious sites. The day’s hike is moderate as compared to the earlier days but extra care should be taken while coming down since there are many chances that one may slip and fall. 

Day 14: Return Journey to Jomsom and Departure

Finally, Day 14 represents the travel from Muktinath temple back to Jomsom which normally takes 5 to 6 hours. The trail drops through the Mustang area where some of the features are relatively dry, semi-desert like views of the Kali Gandaki River valley and its mountains.

Jomsom with an altitude of approximately 2700 meters is a busy market place for trekkers where they get an opportunity to enjoy foods, local beers, local transports, shops etc. While in Jomsom, trekkers can take time and reminisce on the experiences that they underwent on the trek. Gradually it evolved as the day for last preparations for journey through either airplane or jeep to Pokhara. The descent is a systematic process of coming down the succeeding camps/ tariffs, it’s a relaxing point where normally people get to relax after the strenuous exercises of the trek. The accomplishment of the circuit is done with a flip up to the wonderful experience of the journey of the Annapurna Circuit. 

Sajid Khattak
Sajid Khattak
Sajid Khattak is a writer and editor with over 7 years of professional experience. He has also written articles for different sites. Sajid regularly contributes to industry blogs, speaks at conferences, and hosts webinars to share insights and best practices.

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